Built-in Transformations
๐๏ธ base64Decode
Introduced in version 2.1.0
๐๏ธ base64Encode
Introduced in version 2.1.0
๐๏ธ spEnrichedFilter
spEnrichedFilter: Specific to Snowplow data. Filters messages based on a regex match against an atomic field.
๐๏ธ spEnrichedFilterContext
spEnrichedFilterContext: Specific to Snowplow data. Filters messages based on a regex match against a field in a context.
๐๏ธ spEnrichedFilterUnstructEvent
spEnrichedFilterUnstructEvent: Specific to Snowplow data. Filters messages based on a regex match against a field in a custom event.
๐๏ธ spEnrichedSetPk
spEnrichedSetPk: Specific to Snowplow data. Sets the message's destination partition key to an atomic field from a Snowplow Enriched tsv string. The input data must be a valid Snowplow enriched TSV.
๐๏ธ SpEnrichedToJson
spEnrichedToJson: Specific to Snowplow data. Transforms a message's data from Snowplow Enriched tsv string format to a JSON object. The input data must be a valid Snowplow enriched TSV.