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Due to its unique relationship with the web package, the media player package operates in a different way. More information can be found on the media player package section.

Required Privilegesโ€‹

In addition to the standard privileges required by dbt, our packages by default write to additional schemas beyond just your profile schema. If your connected user does not have create schema privileges, you will need to ensure that the following schemas exist in your warehouse and the user can create tables in them:

  • <profile_schema>_derived
  • <profile_schema>_scratch
  • <profile_schema>_snowplow_manifest

Alternatively, you can override the output schemas our models write to, see the relevant package configuration page for how to do this.

Please refer to the Official Guide on setting up permissions.

Manifest Tablesโ€‹

Each of our packages has a set of manifest tables that manage the Incremental Sessionization Logic logic of our package, as well as thinks such as quarantined sessions.


These manifest tables are critical to the package and as such are protected from full refreshes, i.e. being dropped, when running in production by default. In development refreshes are enabled.

There are 3 manifest tables included in this package:

  • snowplow_web_incremental_manifest: Records the current state of the package
  • snowplow_web_base_sessions_lifecycle_manifest: Records the start & end timestamp of all sessions
  • snowplow_web_base_quarantined_sessions: Records sessions that have exceeded the maximum allowed session length, defined by snowplow__max_session_days (default 3 days)

The allow_refresh() macro defines the protection behavior. As dbt recommends, target names are used here to differentiate between your prod and dev environment. By default, this macro assumes your dev target is named dev. This can be changed by setting the snowplow__dev_target_name var in your dbt_project.yml file.

To full refresh any of the manifest models in production, set the snowplow__allow_refresh to true at run time.

Alternatively, you can amend the behavior of this macro entirely by overwriting it. See the Overwriting Macros section for more details.

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