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Fractribution Quickstart

Unleash the power of your behavioral data
If you're looking for a more guided approach that contains information about tracking and modeling your data, check out our Fractional Attribution Modeling Accelerator!
๐Ÿ‘‰ Take me there! ๐Ÿ‘ˆ


In addition to dbt being installed and a web events dataset being available in your database:

  • have snowplow_web_page_views derived table available as a source (generated by the snowplow_web package)
  • have a table with revenue data by users (domain_userid, user_id) that serves as another source for the fractribution calculations, you can choose either of the following options:
    • your table with any self-describing event that captures revenue data
    • the snowplow_ecommerce_transaction_interactions derived table generated by the snowplow_ecommerce package
    • any custom incremental table that is built on top of the snowplow_web model that results in an aggregated revenue dataset
  • python or docker installed (or you can use Snowpark on Snowflake)

In addition to the standard privileges required by dbt, our packages by default write to additional schemas beyond just your profile schema. If your connected user does not have create schema privileges, you will need to ensure that the following schemas exist in your warehouse and the user can create tables in them:

  • <profile_schema>_derived
  • <profile_schema>_scratch
  • <profile_schema>_snowplow_manifest

Alternatively, you can override the output schemas our models write to, see the relevant package configuration page for how to do this.

Please refer to the Official Guide on setting up permissions.


Check dbt Hub for the latest installation instructions, or read the dbt docs for more information on installing packages. If you are using multiple packages you may need to up/downgrade a specific package to ensure compatibility.


Make sure to run the dbt deps command after updating your packages.yml to ensure you have the specified version of each package installed in your project.


1. Override the dispatch order in your projectโ€‹

To take advantage of the optimized upsert that the Snowplow packages offer you need to ensure that certain macros are called from snowplow_utils first before dbt-core. This can be achieved by adding the following to the top level of your dbt_project.yml file:

- macro_namespace: dbt
search_order: ['snowplow_utils', 'dbt']

If you do not do this the package will still work, but the incremental upserts will become more costly over time.

2. Set variablesโ€‹

The package has some variables that need to be set before it can be run, you should edit these in your dbt_project.yml file. Further customization can be done via the variables listed in the configuration page.

  • snowplow__conversion_window_start_date: The start date in UTC for the window of conversions to include
  • snowplow__conversion_window_end_date: The end date in UTC for the window of conversions to include
  • snowplow__conversion_hosts: url_hosts to process
  • snowplow__path_transforms: A dictionary of path transforms and their arguments (see Path Transform Options section)
snowplow__conversion_window_start_date: '2022-01-01'
snowplow__conversion_window_end_date: '2023-02-01'
snowplow__conversion_hosts: ['']
snowplow__path_transforms: {'exposure_path' : null}
Snowflake Only

If you are using Snowflake, you can automatically run the python scripts using Snowpark when running the dbt package. This is done using macros that create and run a stored procedure on Snowpark after the dbt models have completed.

To enable this you need to set some additional variables. For example, to enable this and use the last_touch attribution model:

snowplow__run_python_script_in_snowpark: true
snowplow__attribution_model_for_snowpark: 'last_touch'
Modifying the conversions source

By default the snowplow__conversions_source is your atomic events table. In most cases this is likely to be what you want to use, however you may wish to use the in-built conversions modeling as part of our web package if you have already defined this, by setting snowplow__conversions_source to "{{ ref('snowplow_web_sessions') }}".

Alternatively, if you are using Redshift/Postgres you may wish to include additional fields from a Self-Describing Event, or an Entity. To do this, you should create a new model in your project, e.g. models/snowplow/snowplow_joined_events_table.sql which should have something like the following content:

For more information about dealing with duplicates and the macro in this code, make sure to see our deduplication docs.

with {{ snowplow_utils.get_sde_or_context('atomic',
"'{{ get_lookback_date_limits("min") }}'",
"'{{ get_lookback_date_limits("max") }}'",

from {{ source('atomic', 'events') }} as events
left join nl_basjes_my_prefix_1 b on
events.event_id = b.my_prefix__id
and events.collector_tstamp = b.my_prefix__tstamp

-- use the appropriate partition key to filter on in addition to this, add a bit of a buffer if it is not derived_tstamp
date(derived_tstamp) >= '{{ get_lookback_date_limits("min") }}'
and date(derived_tstamp) <= '{{ get_lookback_date_limits("max") }}'

Finally ensure you set the snowplow__conversions_source to "{{ ref('snowplow_joined_events_table') }}"

3. Configure macrosโ€‹


While the macro and matching columns/tables use the term channel, it is entirely possible to define this in terms of something else e.g. a campaign.

All the below macros are created with the intention to let users modify them to fit their personal use case. If you wish to change this, copy the macro from the macros folder in the snowplow_fractribution package (at [dbt_project_name]/dbt_packages/snowplow_fractribution/macros/conversion_clause.sql) and add it to the macros folder of your own dbt project where you are free to make any alterations. You will find a detailed guide / illustration with sample code within the individual macros themselves.


To overwrite these macros correctly with those in your project, ensure you prefix the macro name by default__ in the definition e.g.

{% macro default__conversion_value() %}
{% endmacro %}

conversion_clause macroโ€‹

The conversion_clause macro specifies how to filter Snowplow events to only succesfful conversion events. How this is filtered will depend on your definition of a conversion. The default is filtering to events where tr_total > 0, but this could instead filter on event_name = 'checkout', for example. If you are using the e-commerce model, you will still need to set this for the fractribution code to run (even though all events are conversions in the e-commerce model), in this case change it to transaction_revenue > 0.

conversion_value macroโ€‹

The conversion_value macro specifies either a single column or a calculated value that represents the value associated with that conversion. The default is tr_total, but revenue or a calculation using revenue and discount_amount from the default e-commerce schema, for example, could similarly be used.

channel_classification macroโ€‹

The channel_classification macro is used to perform channel classifications. This can be altered to generate your expected channels if they differ from the channels generated in the default macro. It is highly recommended that you examine and configure this macro when using your own data, as the ROAS calculations and attribution calculations will run against these channel definitions, and the default values will not consider any custom marketing parameters.

channel_spend macroโ€‹

The channel_spend macro is used to query the spend by channels. It requires a user supplied SQL script to extract the total ad spend by channel.

Required output format:

  • channel: STRING NOT NULL
  • spend: FLOAT64 (or other warehouse equivalent) (Use the same monetary units as conversion revenue, and NULL if unknown.)

4. Run the modelโ€‹

Execute the following either through your CLI, within dbt Cloud, or within Snowplow BDP

dbt run --select snowplow_fractribution

5. Run the python script to generate the final modelsโ€‹

Depending on your setup, please follow the appropriate steps below. All these methods will create the following tables in your warehouse:

  • snowplow_fractribution_path_summary_with_channels
  • snowplow_fractribution_report_table
  • snowplow_fractribution_channel_attribution
Run on Snowflake using Snowpark

If you enabled this already, the tables will have already been built as part of step 4. If you wish to just re-run the attribution modeling for some reason you can run the following:

dbt run --select snowplow_fractribution_call_snowpark_macros
Locally run python

To run the fractribution script locally in Python, we recommend using a virtual environment such as one in conda or pyenv.

Example using conda:

conda create --name fractribution_env -c python=3.8 absl-py
conda activate fractribution_env

I. Install packagesโ€‹

You can install the packages using pip install -r dbt_packages/snowplow_fractribution/utils/requirements.txt (or the appropriate path from your terminal working directory).

Please note that some of the libraries are adapter specific. These are listed in the requirements file, and you can also find the necessary list for each adapter below:

  • absl-py==1.2.0
  • google-cloud-bigquery==3.5.0
M1 Instructions (for Snowflake only)

There is an issue with running Snowpark on M1 chips. A workaround recommended by Snowflake is to set up a virtual environment that uses x86 Python:

CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda create -n fractribution_env python=3.8 absl-py -c
conda activate fractribution_env
conda config --env --set subdir osx-64

II. Set the connection parameters in your terminalโ€‹

export project_id=project_id\
export bigquery_dataset=bigquery_dataset\
export google_application_credentials=google_application_credentials

III. Run the fractribution scriptโ€‹

Run the adapter specific main fractribution script by specifying the conversion window start and end dates, and the attribution model (if you are not using the default shapley, see here for more options). Example:

python --conversion_window_start_date '2022-06-03' --conversion_window_end_date '2022-08-01' --attribution_model last_touch

To help debug easier we have included logs to be printed each time a table is created in the warehouse, there should be 3 in total (snowplow_fractribution_path_summary_with_channels, snowplow_fractribution_channel_attribution and snowplow_fractribution_report_table). There is also a --verbose flag you can include in your shell prompt when executing the python scripts which may give you an even more detailed breakdown depending on your warehouse.

Run python with docker

I. Pull the docker image โ€‹Docker Pullsโ€‹

You can pull the latest docker image from Docker Hub: docker pull snowplow/fractribution:latest. Alternatively, you can pull it based on the package version: docker pull snowplow/fractribution:0.2.0

II. Set the environment variablesโ€‹

Add the necessary environment variables to an environment file, e.g. configs.env. The necessary variables will differ depending on the data warehouse you are using. The easiest way to determine the variables you need to set is to check the Dockerfile in the fractribution dbt package: dbt-snowplow-fractribution/utils/Dockerfile. Please note that in case of BigQuery, the google_application_credentials env var is not needed for Docker as you mount this as a volume at run time.

Below is an example of the config.env file (set up for Snowflake). Note the last 4 variables are named the same across all warehouses. You do not need to specify the attribution model if using the default, shapley:



III. Run the docker containerโ€‹

Run the docker container :

With BigQuery you need to mount your service account keyfile when running the docker image

docker run --rm --env-file /path/to/env/file/configs.env -v /path/to/yourkeyfile.json:/keyfile.json -it snowplow/fractribution:latest

To help debug easier we have included logs to be printed each time a table is created in the warehouse, there should be 3 in total (snowplow_fractribution_path_summary_with_channels, snowplow_fractribution_channel_attribution and snowplow_fractribution_report_table). In order to run the script with a --verbose flag you can set the verbose_run variable to "true" in your env-file, which may give you an even more detailed breakdown depending on your warehouse.

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