Snowplow Fractribution Macros
This page is auto-generated from our dbt packages, some information may be incomplete
Snowplow Fractributionโ
Channel Classificationโ
A macro used to perform channel classifications. Each channel should be classified a name that is a valid field name as it will be used for that purpose, once unnested downstream.
A sql of case statements that determine which channel is classified (it is most likely unique to each organisation, the sample provided is based on Google's Fractribution).
case when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc') and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'brand') > 0 then 'Paid_Search_Brand'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc') and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'generic') > 0 then 'Paid_Search_Generic'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc') and not regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'brand|generic') > 0 then 'Paid_Search_Other'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'organic' then 'Organic_Search'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('display', 'cpm', 'banner') and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect') > 0 then 'Display_Prospecting'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('display', 'cpm', 'banner') and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing') > 0 then 'Display_Retargeting'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('display', 'cpm', 'banner') and not regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect|retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing') > 0 then 'Display_Other'
when regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'video|youtube') > 0 or regexp_count(lower(mkt_source), 'video|youtube') > 0 then 'Video'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'social' and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect') > 0 then 'Paid_Social_Prospecting'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'social' and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing') > 0 then 'Paid_Social_Retargeting'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'social' and not regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect|retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing') > 0 then 'Paid_Social_Other'
when mkt_source = '(direct)' then 'Direct'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'referral' then 'Referral'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'email' then 'Email'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc', 'cpv', 'cpa', 'affiliates') then 'Other_Advertising'
else 'Unmatched_Channel'
select {{ channel_classification() }} as channel,
- raw
- bigquery
- default
{% macro channel_classification() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('channel_classification', 'snowplow_fractribution')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro bigquery__channel_classification() %}
case when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc') and array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'brand')) > 0 then 'Paid_Search_Brand'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc') and array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'generic')) > 0 then 'Paid_Search_Generic'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc') and not array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'brand|generic')) > 0 then 'Paid_Search_Other'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'organic' then 'Organic_Search'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('display', 'cpm', 'banner') and array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect')) > 0 then 'Display_Prospecting'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('display', 'cpm', 'banner') and array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing')) > 0 then 'Display_Retargeting'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('display', 'cpm', 'banner') and not array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect|retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing')) > 0 then 'Display_Other'
when array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'video|youtube')) > 0 or array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_source), 'video|youtube')) > 0 then 'Video'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'social' and array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect')) > 0 then 'Paid_Social_Prospecting'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'social' and array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing')) > 0 then 'Paid_Social_Retargeting'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'social' and not array_length(regexp_extract_all(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect|retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing')) > 0 then 'Paid_Social_Other'
when mkt_source = '(direct)' then 'Direct'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'referral' then 'Referral'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'email' then 'Email'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc', 'cpv', 'cpa', 'affiliates') then 'Other_Advertising'
else 'Unmatched_Channel'
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__channel_classification() %}
case when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc') and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'brand') > 0 then 'Paid_Search_Brand'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc') and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'generic') > 0 then 'Paid_Search_Generic'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc') and not regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'brand|generic') > 0 then 'Paid_Search_Other'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'organic' then 'Organic_Search'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('display', 'cpm', 'banner') and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect') > 0 then 'Display_Prospecting'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('display', 'cpm', 'banner') and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing') > 0 then 'Display_Retargeting'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('display', 'cpm', 'banner') and not regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect|retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing') > 0 then 'Display_Other'
when regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'video|youtube') > 0 or regexp_count(lower(mkt_source), 'video|youtube') > 0 then 'Video'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'social' and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect') > 0 then 'Paid_Social_Prospecting'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'social' and regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing') > 0 then 'Paid_Social_Retargeting'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'social' and not regexp_count(lower(mkt_campaign), 'prospect|retargeting|re-targeting|remarketing|re-marketing') > 0 then 'Paid_Social_Other'
when mkt_source = '(direct)' then 'Direct'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'referral' then 'Referral'
when lower(mkt_medium) = 'email' then 'Email'
when lower(mkt_medium) in ('cpc', 'ppc', 'cpv', 'cpa', 'affiliates') then 'Other_Advertising'
else 'Unmatched_Channel'
{% endmacro %}
Referenced By
Channel Spendโ
A macro for the user to overwrite it with a sql script to extract total ad spend by channel.
-- Example (simplified) query:
select channel, sum(spend_usd) as spend from example_spend_table group by 1
-- Example table output for the user-supplied SQL:
Channel | Spend
direct | 1050.02 paid_search | 10490.11 etc...
A sql script to extract channel and corresponding spend values from a data source.
{{ channel_spend() }}
- raw
- default
- redshift
{% macro channel_spend() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('channel_spend', 'snowplow_fractribution')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__channel_spend() %}
with channels as (
1 as id,
array_agg(distinct cast(channel as {{ snowplow_utils.type_max_string() }})) as c
from {{ ref('snowplow_fractribution_channel_counts') }}
, unnesting as (
{{ snowplow_utils.unnest('id', 'c', 'channel', 'channels') }}
10000 as spend
from unnesting
{% endmacro %}
{% macro redshift__channel_spend() %}
with channels as (
select distinct cast(channel as {{ snowplow_utils.type_max_string() }}), 10000 as spend
from {{ ref('snowplow_fractribution_channel_counts') }}
select * from channels
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Referenced By
Conversion Clauseโ
A macro to let users specify how to filter on conversion events.
A sql to be used in a WHERE clause to filter on conversion events.
where {{ conversion_clause() }}
- raw
- default
{% macro conversion_clause() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('conversion_clause', 'snowplow_fractribution')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__conversion_clause() %}
tr_total > 0
{% endmacro %}
Referenced By
Conversion Valueโ
A user defined macro that specifies either a single column or a calculated value that represents the value associated with the conversion.
A sql to be used to refer to the conversion value.
select {{ conversion_value() }} as revenue
- raw
- default
{% macro conversion_value() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('conversion_value', 'snowplow_fractribution')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__conversion_value() %}
{% endmacro %}
Referenced By
Create Report Table Procโ
This macro does not currently have a description.
- raw
- default
- snowflake
{% macro create_report_table_proc() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('create_report_table_proc', 'snowplow_fractribution')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__create_report_table_proc() %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro snowflake__create_report_table_proc() %}
{% if execute %}
{% set stored_proc %}
create or replace procedure {{schema}}.create_report_table(attribution_model STRING, conversion_window_start_date STRING, conversion_window_end_date STRING)
returns int
language python
runtime_version = '3.8'
packages = ('snowflake-snowpark-python')
handler = 'standalone_main'
"""Creates the data needed to run Fractribution in Snowflake.
It produces the following output tables in the data warehouse:
import io
import json
import os
import re
from typing import Iterable, List, Mapping, Tuple, Any
from snowflake.snowpark import Session
from snowflake.snowpark.types import DecimalType, StructField, StructType, StringType, IntegerType
class _PathSummary(object):
"""Stores conversion and attribution information.
To save space, the path itself is not stored here, as it is already stored
as the key of the _path_tuple_to_summary dict in Fractribution.
def __init__(self, conversions: int, non_conversions: int, revenue: float):
self.conversions = conversions
self.non_conversions = non_conversions
self.revenue = revenue
self.channel_to_attribution = {}
class Fractribution(object):
"""Runs Fractribution on a set of marketing paths to (non-)conversion."""
def _get_path_string(cls, path_tuple: Iterable[str]) -> str:
return " > ".join(path_tuple)
def __init__(self, query_job):
"""Loads (path_str, conversions, non_conversions, revenue) from query_job.
query_job: QueryJob of (path_str, conversions, non_conversions, revenue).
self._path_tuple_to_summary = {}
for (path_str, conversions, non_conversions, revenue) in query_job:
path_tuple = ()
if path_str:
path_tuple = tuple(path_str.split(" > "))
if path_tuple not in self._path_tuple_to_summary:
self._path_tuple_to_summary[path_tuple] = _PathSummary(
conversions, non_conversions, revenue
path_summary = self._path_tuple_to_summary[path_tuple]
path_summary.conversions += conversions
path_summary.non_conversions += non_conversions
def _get_conversion_probability(self, path_tuple: Tuple[str, ...]) -> float:
"""Returns path_tuple conversion/(conversion+non_conversion) probability.
path_tuple: Tuple of channel names in the path.
Conversion probability of customers with this path.
if path_tuple not in self._path_tuple_to_summary:
return 0.0
path_summary = self._path_tuple_to_summary[path_tuple]
count = path_summary.conversions + path_summary.non_conversions
if not count:
return 0.0
return path_summary.conversions / count
def _get_counterfactual_marginal_contributions(
self, path_tuple: Tuple[str, ...]
) -> List[float]:
"""Returns the marginal contribution of each channel in the path.
path_tuple: Tuple of channel names in the path.
List of marginal contribution values, one for each channel in path_tuple.
if not path_tuple:
return []
marginal_contributions = [0] * len(path_tuple)
path_conversion_probability = self._get_conversion_probability(path_tuple)
# If the path contains a single channel, it gets 100% of the contribution.
if len(path_tuple) == 1:
marginal_contributions[0] = path_conversion_probability
# Otherwise, compute the counterfactual marginal contributions by channel.
for i in range(len(path_tuple)):
counterfactual_tuple = path_tuple[:i] + path_tuple[i + 1 :]
raw_marginal_contribution = (
- self._get_conversion_probability(counterfactual_tuple)
# Avoid negative contributions by flooring to 0.
marginal_contributions[i] = max(raw_marginal_contribution, 0)
return marginal_contributions
def run_fractribution(self, session, attribution_model: str) -> None:
"""Runs Fractribution with the given attribution_model.
Side-effect: Updates channel_to_attribution dicts in _path_tuple_to_summary.
attribution_model: Must be a key in ATTRIBUTION_MODELS
def run_shapley_attribution(self) -> None:
"""Compute fractional attribution values for all given paths.
Side-effect: Updates channel_to_attribution dicts in _path_tuple_to_summary.
print("running shapley attribution...")
print("input items:", len(self._path_tuple_to_summary.items()))
for path_tuple, path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.items():
# Ignore empty paths, which can happen when there is a conversion, but
# no matching marketing channel events.
# Commented out the below condition that ignores paths with no conversions, as spend on channels with
# no conversions is important to include
if not path_tuple:
path_summary.channel_to_attribution = {}
marginal_contributions = self._get_counterfactual_marginal_contributions(
sum_marginal_contributions = sum(marginal_contributions)
if sum_marginal_contributions:
marginal_contributions = [
marginal_contribution / sum_marginal_contributions
for marginal_contribution in marginal_contributions
# Use last touch attribution if no channel has a marginal_contribution.
if sum_marginal_contributions == 0:
marginal_contributions[-1] = 1
# Aggregate the marginal contributions by channel, as channels can occur
# more than once in the path.
for i, channel in enumerate(path_tuple):
path_summary.channel_to_attribution[channel] = marginal_contributions[
] + path_summary.channel_to_attribution.get(channel, 0.0)
def run_first_touch_attribution(self) -> None:
"""Assigns 100% attribution to the first channel in each path.
Side-effect: Updates channel_to_attribution dicts in _path_tuple_to_summary.
print("running first_touch attribution...")
for path_tuple, path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.items():
path_summary.channel_to_attribution = {}
if not path_tuple:
for channel in path_tuple:
path_summary.channel_to_attribution[channel] = 0.0
path_summary.channel_to_attribution[path_tuple[0]] = 1.0
def run_last_touch_attribution(self) -> None:
"""Assigns 100% attribution to the last channel in each path.
Side-effect: Updates channel_to_attribution dicts in _path_tuple_to_summary.
print("running last_touch attribution...")
for path_tuple, path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.items():
path_summary.channel_to_attribution = {}
if not path_tuple:
for channel in path_tuple:
path_summary.channel_to_attribution[channel] = 0.0
path_summary.channel_to_attribution[path_tuple[-1]] = 1.0
def run_linear_attribution(self) -> None:
"""Assigns attribution evenly between all channels on the path.
Side-effect: Updates channel_to_attribution dicts in _path_tuple_to_summary.
print("running linear attribution...")
for path_tuple, path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.items():
path_summary.channel_to_attribution = {}
if not path_tuple:
credit = 1.0 / len(path_tuple)
for channel in path_tuple:
path_summary.channel_to_attribution[channel] = (
path_summary.channel_to_attribution.get(channel, 0.0) + credit
def run_position_based_attribution(self) -> None:
"""Assigns attribution using the position based algorithm.
The first and last channels get 40% of the credit each, with the remaining
channels getting the leftover 20% distributed evenly.
Side-effect: Updates channel_to_attribution dicts in _path_tuple_to_summary.
print("running position_based attribution...")
for path_tuple, path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.items():
path_summary.channel_to_attribution = {}
if not path_tuple:
path_summary.channel_to_attribution[path_tuple[0]] = 0.4
path_summary.channel_to_attribution[path_tuple[-1]] = (
path_summary.channel_to_attribution.get(path_tuple[-1], 0) + 0.4
leftover_credit = 0
middle_path = []
if len(path_tuple) == 1:
# All the leftover credit goes to the first and only channel
leftover_credit = 0.2
middle_path = path_tuple
elif len(path_tuple) == 2:
# The leftover credit is split between the two channels in the path.
leftover_credit = 0.1
middle_path = path_tuple
# The leftover credit is evenly distributed among the middle channels.
leftover_credit = 0.2 / (len(path_tuple) - 2)
middle_path = path_tuple[1:-1]
for channel in middle_path:
path_summary.channel_to_attribution[channel] = (
path_summary.channel_to_attribution.get(channel, 0.0)
+ leftover_credit
def normalize_channel_to_attribution_names(self) -> None:
"""Normalizes channel names and aggregates attribution values if necessary.
Path transforms can also transform channel names to include a count
related suffix (<COUNT>). This function undoes the transform on the channel
name by removing the suffix, so that a single channel with two different
suffixes can be aggregated.
Side-effect: Updates channel_to_attribution names in _path_tuple_to_summary.
for path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.values():
channel_to_attribution = {}
for channel in path_summary.channel_to_attribution:
normalized_channel = re.sub(r"\(.*", "", channel)
channel_to_attribution[normalized_channel] = (
channel_to_attribution.get(normalized_channel, 0)
+ path_summary.channel_to_attribution[channel]
path_summary.channel_to_attribution = channel_to_attribution
def _path_summary_to_json_stringio(self) -> io.BytesIO:
"""Returns a BytesIO file with one JSON-encoded _PathSummary per line."""
bytesio = io.BytesIO()
for path_tuple, path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.items():
row = {
"transformed_path": self._get_path_string(path_tuple),
"conversions": path_summary.conversions,
"non_conversions": path_summary.non_conversions,
"revenue": path_summary.revenue,
if path_summary.channel_to_attribution:
return bytesio
def _path_summary_to_list(self) -> List:
"""Returns a list with list _PathSummary per line."""
rows = []
for path_tuple, path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.items():
row = {
"transformed_path": self._get_path_string(path_tuple),
"conversions": path_summary.conversions,
"non_conversions": path_summary.non_conversions,
"revenue": path_summary.revenue,
if path_summary.channel_to_attribution:
return rows
def _get_channel_to_attribution(self) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Returns a mapping from channel to overall conversion attribution.
Mapping from channel to overall conversion attribution.
overall_channel_to_attribution = {}
for path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.values():
channel_to_attribution = path_summary.channel_to_attribution
for channel, attribution in channel_to_attribution.items():
overall_channel_to_attribution[channel] = (
overall_channel_to_attribution.get(channel, 0.0)
+ attribution * path_summary.conversions
return overall_channel_to_attribution
def _get_channel_to_revenue(self) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Returns a mapping from channel to overall revenue attribution.
Mapping from channel to overall revenue attribution.
overall_channel_to_revenue = {}
for path_summary in self._path_tuple_to_summary.values():
channel_to_attribution = path_summary.channel_to_attribution
revenue = path_summary.revenue
if not revenue or revenue == 'NULL':
revenue = 0.0
for channel, attribution in channel_to_attribution.items():
overall_channel_to_revenue[channel] = overall_channel_to_revenue.get(
channel, 0.0
) + attribution * float(revenue)
return overall_channel_to_revenue
"shapley": run_shapley_attribution,
"first_touch": run_first_touch_attribution,
"last_touch": run_last_touch_attribution,
"position_based": run_position_based_attribution,
"linear": run_linear_attribution,
VALID_CHANNEL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z_]\w+$", re.ASCII)
def _is_valid_column_name(column_name: str) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the column_name is a valid Snowflake column name."""
return (
len(column_name) <= 255
and VALID_CHANNEL_NAME_PATTERN.match(column_name) is not None
def _extract_channels(client) -> List[str]:
"""Returns the list of names by running extract_channels.sql.
client: Client.
params: Mapping of template parameter names to values.
List of channel names.
ValueError: User-formatted error if channel is not a valid Snowflake column.
channels = [row.CHANNEL for row in client]
for channel in channels:
if not _is_valid_column_name(channel):
raise ValueError("Channel is not a legal Snowflake column name: ", channel)
return channels
def get_channels(session):
"""Enumerates all possible channels."""
query = """SELECT DISTINCT channel FROM snowplow_fractribution_channel_counts"""
return session.sql(query).collect()
def get_path_summary_data(session):
query = """
SELECT transformed_path, CAST(conversions AS FLOAT) AS conversions, CAST(non_conversions AS float) AS non_conversions, CAST(revenue AS float) AS revenue
FROM snowplow_fractribution_path_summary
return session.sql(query).collect()
def create_attribution_report_table(session):
query = f"""
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE snowplow_fractribution_report_table AS
DIV0(revenue, spend) AS roas
snowplow_fractribution_channel_spend USING (channel)
return session.sql(query).collect()
def run_fractribution(session, params: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Runs fractribution on the Snowflake tables.
params: Mapping of all template parameter names to values.
path_summary = get_path_summary_data(session)
# Step 1: Extract the paths from the path_summary_table.
frac = Fractribution(path_summary)
frac.run_fractribution(session, params["attribution_model"])
path_list = frac._path_summary_to_list()
types = [
StructField("revenue", DecimalType(10,2)),
StructField("conversions", DecimalType(10,3)),
StructField("non_conversions", DecimalType(10,3)),
StructField("transformed_path", StringType())
# exclude revenue, conversions, non_conversions, transformed_path
channel_to_attribution = frac._get_channel_to_attribution()
un = set(channel_to_attribution.keys()).difference(["revenue", "conversions", "non_conversions", "transformed_path"])
attribution_types = [StructField(k, DecimalType(10,3)) for k in list(un)]
schema = types + attribution_types
paths = session.create_dataframe(path_list, schema=StructType(schema))
conversion_window_start_date = params["conversion_window_start_date"]
conversion_window_end_date = params["conversion_window_end_date"]
channel_to_attribution = frac._get_channel_to_attribution()
channel_to_revenue = frac._get_channel_to_revenue()
rows = []
for channel, attribution in channel_to_attribution.items():
row = {
"conversion_window_start_date": conversion_window_start_date,
"conversion_window_end_date": conversion_window_end_date,
"channel": channel,
"conversions": attribution,
"revenue": channel_to_revenue.get(channel, 0.0),
channel_attribution = session.create_dataframe(rows)
report = create_attribution_report_table(session)
def run(session, input_params: Mapping[str, Any]) -> int:
"""Main entry point to run Fractribution with the given input_params.
input_params: Mapping from input parameter names to values.
0 on success and non-zero otherwise
params = input_params
# assumes that the dataset already exists
params["channel_counts_table"] = "snowplow_fractribution_channel_counts"
channels = get_channels(session)
params["channels"] = _extract_channels(channels)
run_fractribution(session, params)
return 0
def standalone_main(session, attribution_model, conversion_window_start_date, conversion_window_end_date):
input_params = {
"attribution_model": attribution_model,
"conversion_window_start_date": conversion_window_start_date,
"conversion_window_end_date": conversion_window_end_date
run(session, input_params)
print("Report table created")
{% endset %}
{% do run_query(stored_proc) %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
- Macros
- macro.dbt.run_query
Referenced By
Create Udfsโ
Creates user defined functions for adapters apart from Databricks. It is executed as part of an on-start hook.
Nothing, sql is executed which creates the UDFs in the target database and schema.
on-run-start: "{{ create_udfs() }}"
- raw
- bigquery
- default
- redshift
- snowflake
- spark
{% macro create_udfs() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('create_udfs', 'snowplow_fractribution')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro bigquery__create_udfs() %}
{% set trim_long_path %}
-- Returns the last snowplow__path_lookback_steps channels in the path if snowplow__path_lookback_steps > 0,
-- or the full path otherwise.
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.trim_long_path(path ARRAY<string>, snowplow__path_lookback_steps INTEGER)
as r"""
if (snowplow__path_lookback_steps > 0) {
return path.slice(Math.max(0, path.length - snowplow__path_lookback_steps));
return path;
{% endset %}
-- Functions for applying transformations to path arrays.
-- unique_path: Identity transform.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C].
-- exposure_path: Collapse sequential repeats.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C, D, C].
-- first_path: Removes repeated events.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C].
-- frequency_path: Removes repeat events but tracks them with a count.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D(2), A(1), B(2), C(3)).
-- remove_if_last_and_not_all: requires a channel to be added as a parameter, which gets removed from the latest paths unless it removes the whole path as it is trying to reach a non-matching channel parameter
-- E.g target element: `A`, path: `A โ B โ A โ A` becomes `A โ B`
-- remove_if_not_all: requires a channel to be added as a parameter, which gets removed from the path altogether unless it would result in the whole path's removal.
-- E.g target element: `A`, path: `A โ B โ A โ A` becomes `B`
{% set remove_if_not_all %}
-- Returns the path with all copies of targetElem removed, unless the path consists only of
-- targetElems, in which case the original path is returned.
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.remove_if_not_all(path ARRAY<string>, targetElem STRING)
as r"""
var transformedPath = [];
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (path[i] !== targetElem) {
if (!transformedPath.length) {
return path;
return transformedPath;
{% endset %}
{% set remove_if_last_and_not_all %}
-- Returns the path with all copies of targetElem removed from the tail, unless the path consists
-- only of targetElems, in which case the original path is returned.
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.remove_if_last_and_not_all(path ARRAY<string>, targetElem STRING)
as r"""
var tailIndex = path.length;
for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; i = i - 1) {
if (path[i] != targetElem) {
tailIndex = i;
if (tailIndex > 0) {
return path.slice(0, tailIndex);
return path;
{% endset %}
{% set unique %}
-- Returns the unique/identity transform of the given path array.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C].
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.unique_path(path ARRAY<string>)
as r"""
return path;
{% endset %}
{% set exposure %}
-- Returns the exposure transform of the given path array.
-- Sequential duplicates are collapsed.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C, D, C].
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.exposure_path(path ARRAY<string>)
as r"""
var transformedPath = [];
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (i == 0 || path[i] != path[i-1]) {
return transformedPath;
{% endset %}
{% set first %}
-- Returns the first transform of the given path array.
-- Repeated channels are removed.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C].
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.first_path(path ARRAY<string>)
as r"""
var transformedPath = [];
var channelSet = new Set();
for (const channel of path) {
if (!channelSet.has(channel)) {
return transformedPath;
{% endset %}
{% set frequency %}
-- Returns the frequency transform of the given path array.
-- Repeat events are removed, but tracked with a count.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D(2), A(1), B(2), C(3)].
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.frequency_path(path ARRAY<string>)
as r"""
var channelToCount = {};
for (const channel of path) {
if (!(channel in channelToCount)) {
channelToCount[channel] = 1
} else {
channelToCount[channel] +=1
var transformedPath = [];
for (const channel of path) {
count = channelToCount[channel];
if (count > 0) {
transformedPath.push(channel + '(' + count.toString() + ')');
// Reset count to 0, since the output has exactly one copy of each event.
channelToCount[channel] = 0;
return transformedPath;
{% endset %}
{% set create_schema %}
create schema if not exists {{target.schema}};
{% endset %}
-- create the udfs (as permanent UDFs)
{% do run_query(create_schema) %} -- run this FIRST before the rest get run
{% do run_query(trim_long_path) %}
{% do run_query(remove_if_not_all) %}
{% do run_query(remove_if_last_and_not_all) %}
{% do run_query(unique) %}
{% do run_query(exposure) %}
{% do run_query(first) %}
{% do run_query(frequency) %}
-- have to return some valid sql
select 1;
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__create_udfs() %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro redshift__create_udfs() %}
{% set trim_long_path %}
-- Returns the last snowplow__path_lookback_steps channels in the path if snowplow__path_lookback_steps > 0,
-- or the full path otherwise.
create or replace function {{target.schema}}.trim_long_path(path varchar(max), snowplow__path_lookback_steps integer)
returns varchar
AS $$
path_list = path.split(' > ')
path_list_sliced= path_list[max(0, len(path_list) - snowplow__path_lookback_steps):]
if (snowplow__path_lookback_steps > 0):
return ' > '.join(path_list_sliced);
return path
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
{% endset %}
-- Functions for applying transformations to path arrays.
-- unique_path: Identity transform.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C].
-- exposure_path: Collapse sequential repeats.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C, D, C].
-- first_path: Removes repeated events.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C].
-- frequency_path: Removes repeat events but tracks them with a count.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D(2), A(1), B(2), C(3)).
-- remove_if_last_and_not_all: requires a channel to be added as a parameter, which gets removed from the latest paths unless it removes the whole path as it is trying to reach a non-matching channel parameter
-- E.g target element: `A`, path: `A โ B โ A โ A` becomes `A โ B`
-- remove_if_not_all: requires a channel to be added as a parameter, which gets removed from the path altogether unless it would result in the whole path's removal.
-- E.g target element: `A`, path: `A โ B โ A โ A` becomes `B`
{% set remove_if_not_all %}
-- Returns the path with all copies of targetElem removed, unless the path consists only of
-- targetElems, in which case the original path is returned.
create or replace function {{target.schema}}.remove_if_not_all(path varchar(max), target_elem varchar)
returns varchar
AS $$
transformed_path = []
path_list = path.split(' > ')
for i in range(len(path_list)):
if path_list[i] != target_elem:
if len(transformed_path) == 0:
return(' > '.join(transformed_path))
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
{% endset %}
{% set remove_if_last_and_not_all %}
-- Returns the path with all copies of targetElem removed from the tail, unless the path consists
-- only of targetElems, in which case the original path is returned.
create or replace function {{target.schema}}.remove_if_last_and_not_all(path varchar(max), target_elem varchar)
returns varchar
AS $$
path_list = path.split(' > ')
reversed_path = list(reversed(path_list))
tail_index = 0
transformed_path = []
for i in range(len(path_list)):
if reversed_path[i] != target_elem:
tail_index = i
if tail_index > 0 and tail_index != len(path_list)-1:
transformed_path = path_list[:len(path_list)-tail_index]
return(' > '.join(transformed_path))
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
{% endset %}
{% set unique %}
-- Returns the unique/identity transform of the given path array.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C].
create or replace function {{target.schema}}.unique_path(path varchar(max))
returns varchar
AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
{% endset %}
{% set exposure %}
-- Returns the exposure transform of the given path array.
-- Sequential duplicates are collapsed.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C, D, C].
create or replace function {{target.schema}}.exposure_path(path varchar(max))
returns varchar
AS $$
path_list = path.split(' > ')
transformed_path = []
for i in range(len(path_list)):
if i == 0 or path_list[i] != path_list[i-1]:
return(' > '.join(transformed_path))
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
{% endset %}
{% set first %}
-- Returns the first transform of the given path array.
-- Repeated channels are removed.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C].
create or replace function {{target.schema}}.first_path(path varchar(max))
returns varchar
AS $$
transformed_path = []
path_list = path.split(' > ')
for i in range(len(path_list)):
if path_list[i] not in transformed_path:
return(' > '.join(transformed_path))
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
{% endset %}
{% set frequency %}
-- Returns the frequency transform of the given path array.
-- Repeat events are removed, but tracked with a count.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D(2), A(1), B(2), C(3)].
create or replace function {{target.schema}}.frequency_path(path varchar(max))
returns varchar
AS $$
element_count = []
transformed_path = []
path_list = path.split(' > ')
for i in path_list:
element_count.append(i + '(' + str(path_list.count(i)) + ')')
for i in range(len(element_count)):
if element_count[i] not in transformed_path:
return(' > '.join(transformed_path))
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
{% endset %}
{% set create_schema %}
create schema if not exists {{target.schema}};
{% endset %}
-- create the udfs (as permanent UDFs)
{% do run_query(create_schema) %} -- run this FIRST before the rest get run
{% do run_query(trim_long_path) %}
{% do run_query(remove_if_not_all) %}
{% do run_query(remove_if_last_and_not_all) %}
{% do run_query(unique) %}
{% do run_query(exposure) %}
{% do run_query(first) %}
{% do run_query(frequency) %}
-- have to return some valid sql
select 1;
{% endmacro %}
{% macro snowflake__create_udfs(schema_suffix = '_derived') %}
{% set trim_long_path %}
-- Returns the last snowplow__path_lookback_steps channels in the path if snowplow__path_lookback_steps > 0,
-- or the full path otherwise.
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.trim_long_path(path ARRAY, snowplow__path_lookback_steps DOUBLE)
return PATH.slice(Math.max(0, PATH.length - SNOWPLOW__PATH_LOOKBACK_STEPS));
return PATH;
{% endset %}
-- Functions for applying transformations to path arrays.
-- unique_path: Identity transform.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C].
-- exposure_path: Collapse sequential repeats.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C, D, C].
-- first_path: Removes repeated events.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C].
-- frequency_path: Removes repeat events but tracks them with a count.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D(2), A(1), B(2), C(3)).
-- remove_if_last_and_not_all: requires a channel to be added as a parameter, which gets removed from the latest paths unless it removes the whole path as it is trying to reach a non-matching channel parameter
-- E.g target element: `A`, path: `A โ B โ A โ A` becomes `A โ B`
-- remove_if_not_all: requires a channel to be added as a parameter, which gets removed from the path altogether unless it would result in the whole path's removal.
-- E.g target element: `A`, path: `A โ B โ A โ A` becomes `B`
{% set remove_if_not_all %}
-- Returns the path with all copies of targetElem removed, unless the path consists only of
-- targetElems, in which case the original path is returned.
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.remove_if_not_all(path ARRAY, targetElem STRING)
var transformedPath = [];
for (var i = 0; i < PATH.length; i++) {
if (PATH[i] !== TARGETELEM) {
if (!transformedPath.length) {
return PATH;
return transformedPath;
{% endset %}
{% set remove_if_last_and_not_all %}
-- Returns the path with all copies of targetElem removed from the tail, unless the path consists
-- only of targetElems, in which case the original path is returned.
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.remove_if_last_and_not_all(path ARRAY, targetElem STRING)
var tailIndex = PATH.length;
for (var i = PATH.length - 1; i >= 0; i = i - 1) {
if (PATH[i] != TARGETELEM) {
tailIndex = i;
if (tailIndex > 0) {
return PATH.slice(0, tailIndex);
return PATH;
{% endset %}
{% set unique %}
-- Returns the unique/identity transform of the given path array.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C].
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.unique_path(path ARRAY)
return PATH;
{% endset %}
{% set exposure %}
-- Returns the exposure transform of the given path array.
-- Sequential duplicates are collapsed.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C, D, C].
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.exposure_path(path ARRAY)
var transformedPath = [];
for (var i = 0; i < PATH.length; i++) {
if (i == 0 || PATH[i] != PATH[i-1]) {
return transformedPath;
{% endset %}
{% set first %}
-- Returns the first transform of the given path array.
-- Repeated channels are removed.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D, A, B, C].
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.first_path(path ARRAY)
var transformedPath = [];
var channelSet = new Set();
for (const channel of PATH) {
if (!channelSet.has(channel)) {
return transformedPath;
{% endset %}
{% set frequency %}
-- Returns the frequency transform of the given path array.
-- Repeat events are removed, but tracked with a count.
-- E.g. [D, A, B, B, C, D, C, C] --> [D(2), A(1), B(2), C(3)].
CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS {{target.schema}}.frequency_path(path ARRAY)
var channelToCount = {};
for (const channel of PATH) {
if (!(channel in channelToCount)) {
channelToCount[channel] = 1
} else {
channelToCount[channel] +=1
var transformedPath = [];
for (const channel of PATH) {
count = channelToCount[channel];
if (count > 0) {
transformedPath.push(channel + '(' + count.toString() + ')');
// Reset count to 0, since the output has exactly one copy of each event.
channelToCount[channel] = 0;
return transformedPath;
{% endset %}
{% set create_schema %}
create schema if not exists {{target.schema}};
{% endset %}
-- create the udfs (as permanent UDFs)
{% do run_query(create_schema) %} -- run this FIRST before the rest get run
{% do run_query(trim_long_path) %}
{% do run_query(remove_if_not_all) %}
{% do run_query(remove_if_last_and_not_all) %}
{% do run_query(unique) %}
{% do run_query(exposure) %}
{% do run_query(first) %}
{% do run_query(frequency) %}
-- have to return some valid sql
select 1;
{% endmacro %}
{% macro spark__create_udfs() %}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
- Macros
- macro.dbt.run_query
Get Lookback Date Limitsโ
A macro returning the upper or lower boundary to limit what is processed by the sessions_by_customer_id model.
(string): Can be either 'min' or 'max' depending on if the upper or lower boundary date needs to be returnedmodel
(string): Can either be 'sessions' for usage within snowplow_fractribution_sessions_by_customer_id or 'conversions' to use for snowplow_fractribution_conversions_by_customer_id
A string value of the upper or lower date limit.
A macro call with 'min' or 'max' given as a parameter.
date(derived_tstamp) >= '{{ get_lookback_date_limits("min") }}'
and date(derived_tstamp) <= '{{ get_lookback_date_limits("max") }}'
-- returns
date(derived_tstamp) >= '2023-01-01 13:45:03'
and date(derived_tstamp) <= '2023-02-01 10:32:52'
- raw
- default
{% macro get_lookback_date_limits(limit_type, model) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('get_lookback_date_limits', 'snowplow_fractribution')(limit_type, model)) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__get_lookback_date_limits(limit_type, model) %}
-- check if web data is up-to-date in page_views_source (should cover conversion source check in case the web model is used to model conversions)
{% set combined_time = var("snowplow__conversion_window_days") + var('snowplow__path_lookback_days') %}
{% set query %}
-- when the user opts for the auto-populated conversion window
{% if var("snowplow__conversion_window_start_date") == '' and var("snowplow__conversion_window_end_date") == '' %}
with base as (
select max(start_tstamp) as last_pageview,
min(start_tstamp) as first_pageview,
from {{ var('snowplow__page_views_source') }}
false as is_over_limit, -- the last pageview will be taken from the page_views_source
cast(first_pageview as date) > cast({{ dbt.dateadd('day', -combined_time, last_pageview) }} as date) as is_below_limit,
cast(last_pageview as {{ type_string() }}) as last_processed_page_view,
cast(first_pageview as {{ type_string() }}) as first_processed_page_view
-- when the user opts for manually defined conversion window
{% elif var("snowplow__conversion_window_start_date")|length and var("snowplow__conversion_window_end_date")|length %}
max(start_tstamp) < '{{ var('snowplow__conversion_window_end_date') }}' as is_over_limit,
cast(min(start_tstamp) as date) > '{{ var("snowplow__conversion_window_start_date") }}' as is_below_limit,
cast(max(start_tstamp) as {{ type_string() }}) as last_processed_page_view,
cast(min(start_tstamp) as {{ type_string() }}) as first_processed_page_view
from {{ var('snowplow__page_views_source') }}
{% else %}
{%- do exceptions.raise_compiler_error("Snowplow Error: please either give both of the following variables a value or set both as empty strings: snowplow__conversion_window_start_date & snowplow__conversion_window_end_date ") %}
{% endif %}
{% endset %}
{% set result = run_query(query) %}
{% if execute %}
{% set page_view_max = result[0][0] %}
{% set last_processed_page_view = result[0][2] %}
{% if page_view_max == True %}
{%- do exceptions.raise_compiler_error("Snowplow Error: the derived.page_view source does not cover the full fractribution analysis period.
Please process your web model first before proceeding with this package. Details: snowplow__conversion_window_start_date "
+ var('snowplow__conversion_window_end_date') + " is later than last processed pageview " + last_processed_page_view) %}
{% endif %}
{% set page_view_min = result[0][1] %}
{% set first_processed_page_view = result[0][3] %}
{% if page_view_min == True %}
{%- do exceptions.raise_compiler_error("Snowplow Error: the derived.page_view source does not cover the full fractribution analysis period.
Please backfill / reprocess your web model first before proceeding with this package. Details: snowplow__conversion_window_start_date "
+ var('snowplow__conversion_window_start_date') + " is earlier than first processed pageview " + first_processed_page_view) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
-- setting and executing the limit query depending on input
{% set query %}
{% if limit_type == 'min' and model == 'sessions' %}
{% if var("snowplow__conversion_window_start_date") == '' and var("snowplow__conversion_window_end_date") == '' %}
with base as (
select max(start_tstamp) as last_pageview
from {{ var('snowplow__page_views_source') }}
select cast({{ dbt.dateadd('day', -combined_time, 'last_pageview') }} as date) as lower_limit
from base
{% else %}
with base as (
select cast('{{ var('snowplow__conversion_window_start_date')}}' as timestamp) as cw_tstamp
select cast({{ dbt.dateadd('day', -var('snowplow__path_lookback_days'), 'cw_tstamp' ) }} as date) as lower_limit
from base
{% endif %}
{% elif limit_type == 'max' and model == 'sessions' %}
{% if var("snowplow__conversion_window_start_date") == '' and var("snowplow__conversion_window_end_date") == '' %}
with base as (
select max(start_tstamp) as last_pageview
from {{ var('snowplow__page_views_source') }}
select cast({{ dbt.dateadd('day', -1, 'last_pageview') }} as date) as upper_limit
from base
{% else %}
select cast('{{ var("snowplow__conversion_window_end_date") }}' as date) as upper_limit
{% endif %}
{% elif limit_type == 'min' and model == 'conversions' %}
{% if var("snowplow__conversion_window_start_date") == '' and var("snowplow__conversion_window_end_date") == '' %}
with base as (
select max(start_tstamp) as last_pageview
from {{ var('snowplow__page_views_source') }}
select cast( {{ dbt.dateadd('day', -var("snowplow__conversion_window_days"), 'last_pageview') }} as date) as lower_limit
from base
{% else %}
select cast('{{ var("snowplow__conversion_window_start_date") }}' as date) as lower_limit
{% endif %}
{% elif limit_type == 'max' and model == 'conversions' %}
{% if var("snowplow__conversion_window_start_date") == '' and var("snowplow__conversion_window_end_date") == '' %}
with base as (
select max(start_tstamp) as last_pageview
from {{ var('snowplow__page_views_source') }}
select cast({{ dbt.dateadd('day', -1, 'last_pageview') }} as date) as upper_limit
from base
{% else %}
select cast('{{ var("snowplow__conversion_window_end_date") }}' as date) as upper_limit
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endset %}
{% set query_result = run_query(query) %}
{% if execute %}
{% set result = query_result[0][0] %}
{{ return(result) }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
- Macros
- macro.dbt.dateadd
- macro.dbt.run_query
- macro.dbt.type_string
Referenced By
Path Transformationโ
Macro to execute the indvidual path_transformation specified as a parameter.
(string): A type of transformation that needs to be executed E.g. 'unique_path'. Needs to be one of the following: exposure_path, first_path, frequency_path, remove_if_last_and_not_all, remove_if_not_all, unique_path More details here
(string): (Optional) The parameter value that the path transormation needs to execute,. Default none
The transformed array column.
{{ path_transformation('unique_path') }} as transformed_path
- raw
- default
- spark
{% macro path_transformation(transformation_type, transform_param) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('path_transformation', 'snowplow_fractribution')(transformation_type, transform_param)) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__path_transformation(transformation_type, transform_param) %}
{% if transform_param %}, '{{transform_param}}' {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro spark__path_transformation(transformation_type, transform_param) %}
{% if transformation_type == 'unique_path' %}
{% elif transformation_type == 'frequency_path' %}
array_distinct(transform(transformed_path, element -> concat(element, "(", array_size(transformed_path)-array_size(array_remove(transformed_path, element )), ")" )))
{% elif transformation_type == 'first_path' %}
{% elif transformation_type == 'exposure_path' %}
filter(transformed_path, (x, i) -> x != transformed_path[i-1] or i == 0)
{% elif transformation_type == 'remove_if_not_all' %}
case when array_distinct(transformed_path) != array('{{ transform_param }}')
then array_remove(transformed_path, '{{ transform_param }}')
else transformed_path end
{% elif transformation_type == 'remove_if_last_and_not_all' %}
/* remove the matching path(s) from the tail unless it removes everything (obtaining the upper boundary of the
slicing to do this is done by slicing the array and determining if it only contains the desired references which
it then returns an element for only if they are equivalent.)
["Example", "Another", "Direct", "Direct"]
filter(y, (x, i) -> array_except(slice(reverse(y), 1, i), array('Direct'))==array())
Slice 1 (i=1): Direct.
array_except yields [] as our array only contains 'Direct' references, comparison yields True
Slice 2 (i=2): Direct, Direct
array_except yields [], comparison yields True
Slice 3 (i=3): Direct, Direct, Another
array_except yields [Another], comparison yields False (element does not become part of the array)
Slice 4 (i=4): Direct, Direct, Another, Example
array_except yields [Another, Example], comparison yields False (element does not become part of the array)
At this point we can now count the size of this array - which gives us an index (from the back of the array) as to how many elements we can chop off - so to convert this to a an actual slice (as negative slicing sort of works in DB) we do:
array_size(original) - array_size(direct_size) + 1
4 - 2 + 1 = 3
case when array_distinct(transformed_path) != array('{{ transform_param }}')
then slice(transformed_path, 1, array_size(transformed_path) - array_size(
filter(transformed_path, (x, i) -> array_except(slice(reverse(transformed_path), 1, i), array('{{ transform_param }}'))==array()) ) + 1)
else transformed_path end
{% else %}
{%- do exceptions.raise_compiler_error("Snowplow Error: the path transform - '"+transformation_type+"' - is not yet supported for Databricks. Please choose from the following: exposure_path, first_path, frequency_path, remove_if_last_and_not_all, remove_if_not_all, unique_path") %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Referenced By
Run Stored Procedureโ
This macro does not currently have a description.
- raw
- default
- snowflake
{% macro run_stored_procedure(attribution_model, conversion_window_start_date, conversion_window_end_date) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('run_stored_procedure', 'snowplow_fractribution')(attribution_model, conversion_window_start_date, conversion_window_end_date)) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__run_stored_procedure(attribution_model, conversion_window_start_date, conversion_window_end_date) %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro snowflake__run_stored_procedure(attribution_model, conversion_window_start_date, conversion_window_end_date) %}
{% if execute %}
{% set call_proc %}
CALL {{schema}}.create_report_table('{{attribution_model}}', '{{conversion_window_start_date}}', '{{conversion_window_end_date}}')
{% endset %}
{% do run_query(call_proc) %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
- Macros
- macro.dbt.run_query
Referenced By
Transform Pathsโ
Macro to remove complexity from models paths_to_conversion / paths_to_non_conversion.
(string): The macro only expects 'conversions' in case it runs in the path_to_conversions in which case it adds more fieldssource_cte
(string): The name of the cte to take as an input for the macro the build sql to
The sql with the missing cte's that take care of path transformations.
It is used by the transform_paths() macro for the transformation cte sql code build. It takes a transformation type as a parameter and its optional argument, if exists. The E.g.
with base_data as (...),
{{ transform_paths('conversions', 'base_data') }}
select * from path_transforms
- raw
- default
- spark
{% macro transform_paths(model_type, source_cte) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('transform_paths', 'snowplow_fractribution')(model_type, source_cte)) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__transform_paths(model_type, source_cte) %}
{% set allowed_path_transforms = ['exposure_path', 'first_path', 'frequency_path', 'remove_if_last_and_not_all', 'remove_if_not_all', 'unique_path'] %}
, path_transforms as (
{% if model_type == 'conversions' %}
{% endif %}
{{ trim_long_path('path', var('snowplow__path_lookback_steps')) }} as path,
{% if var('snowplow__path_transforms').items()|length > 0 %}
-- reverse transormation due to nested functions, items to be processed from left to right
{% for path_transform_name, _ in var('snowplow__path_transforms').items()|reverse %}
{% if path_transform_name not in allowed_path_transforms %}
{%- do exceptions.raise_compiler_error("Snowplow Error: the path transform - '"+path_transform_name+"' - is not supported. Please refer to the Snowplow docs on tagging. Please use one of the following: exposure_path, first_path, frequency_path, remove_if_last_and_not_all, remove_if_not_all, unique_path") %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
-- no reverse needed due to nested nature of function calls
{% for _, transform_param in var('snowplow__path_transforms').items() %}
{% if transform_param %}, '{{transform_param}}' {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
as transformed_path
{% else %}
{% endif %}
from {{ source_cte }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro spark__transform_paths(model_type, source_cte) %}
{% set total_transformations = var('snowplow__path_transforms').items()|length %}
-- set loop_count using namespace to define it as global variable for the loop to work
{% set loop_count = namespace(value=1) %}
-- unlike for adapters using UDFS, reverse transormation is not needed as ctes will process items their params in order
{% for path_transform_name, transform_param in var('snowplow__path_transforms').items() %}
{%- if loop_count.value == 1 %}
{% set previous_cte = source_cte %}
{% else %}
{% set previous_cte = loop_count.value-1 %}
{% endif %}
, transformation_{{ loop_count.value|string }} as (
{% if model_type == 'conversions' %}
{% endif %}
{% if path_transform_name == 'unique_path' %}
{{ path_transformation('unique_path') }} as transformed_path
{% elif path_transform_name == 'frequency_path' %}
{{ path_transformation('frequency_path', '') }} as transformed_path
{% elif path_transform_name == 'first_path' %}
{{ path_transformation('first_path') }} as transformed_path
{% elif path_transform_name == 'exposure_path' %}
{{ path_transformation('exposure_path', '') }} as transformed_path
{% elif path_transform_name == 'remove_if_not_all' %}
{{ path_transformation('remove_if_not_all', transform_param) }} as transformed_path
{% elif path_transform_name == 'remove_if_last_and_not_all' %}
{{ path_transformation('remove_if_last_and_not_all', transform_param) }} as transformed_path
{% else %}
{%- do exceptions.raise_compiler_error("Snowplow Error: the path transform - '"+path_transform_name+"' - is not supported. Please refer to the Snowplow docs on tagging. Please use one of the following: exposure_path, first_path, frequency_path, remove_if_last_and_not_all, remove_if_not_all, unique_path") %}
{% endif %}
{%- if loop_count.value == 1 %}
from {{ source_cte }}
{% else %}
-- build cte names dynamically based on loop count / previous_cte for the loop to work regardless of array items
from transformation_{{ previous_cte|string }}
{% endif %}
{% set previous_cte = loop_count.value %}
{% set loop_count.value = loop_count.value + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
, path_transforms as (
{% if model_type == 'conversions' %}
{% endif %}
{{ trim_long_path('path', var('snowplow__path_lookback_steps')) }} as path,
-- the last cte will always equal to the total transformations unless there is no item there
{% if total_transformations > 0 %}
from transformation_{{ total_transformations }}
{% else %}
from {{ source_cte }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Referenced By
Trim Long Pathโ
Returns the last 'snowplowpath_lookback_steps' number of channels in the path if snowplowpath_lookback_steps > 0, or the full path otherwise.
(string): The array column to be transformedlookback_steps
(integer): Defaulted to be taken from the snowplow__path_lookback_steps, the number of path to leave starting from the end
The transformed array column.
{{ trim_long_path('path', var('snowplow__path_lookback_steps')) }} as path,
- raw
- default
- spark
{% macro trim_long_path(array_column, lookback_steps=var('snowplow__path_lookback_steps')) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('trim_long_path', 'snowplow_fractribution')(array_column,lookback_steps)) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__trim_long_path(array_column, lookback_steps=var('snowplow__path_lookback_steps')) %}
{{ target.schema }}.trim_long_path({{ array_column }}, {{ lookback_steps }})
{% endmacro %}
{% macro spark__trim_long_path(array_column, lookback_steps=var('snowplow__path_lookback_steps')) %}
case when array_size({{ array_column }}) <= {{ lookback_steps }} then {{ array_column }}
when {{ lookback_steps }} == 0 then {{ array_column }}
else slice({{ array_column }}, (-cast( {{lookback_steps }} as int)), (cast({{ lookback_steps }} as int)))
{% endmacro %}