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Package Configuration Variablesโ€‹

This package utilizes a set of variables that are configured to recommended values for optimal performance of the models. Depending on your use case, you might want to override these values by adding to your dbt_project.yml file.


All variables in Snowplow packages start with snowplow__ but we have removed these in the below table for brevity.

Warehouse and trackerโ€‹

Variable NameDescriptionDefault
atomic_schemaThe schema (dataset for BigQuery) that contains your atomic events table.atomic
databaseThe database that contains your atomic events
dev_target_nameThe target name of your development environment as defined in your profiles.yml file. See the Manifest Tables section for more
eventsThis is used internally by the packages to reference your events table based on other variable values and should not be

Operation and logicโ€‹

Variable NameDescriptionDefault
allow_refreshUsed as the default value to return from the allow_refresh() macro. This macro determines whether the manifest tables can be refreshed or not, depending on your environment. See the Manifest Tables section for more details.false
backfill_limit_daysThe maximum numbers of days of new data to be processed since the latest event processed. Please refer to the incremental logic section for more details.30
days_late_allowedThe maximum allowed number of days between the event creation and it being sent to the collector. Exists to reduce lengthy table scans that can occur as a result of late arriving data. If set to -1 disables this filter entirely, which can be useful if you have events with no dvce_sent_tstamp value.3
lookback_window_hoursThe number of hours to look before the latest event processed - to account for late arriving data, which comes out of order.6
start_dateThe date to start processing events from in the package on first run or a full refresh, based on collector_tstamp.'2020-01-01'
upsert_lookback_daysNumber of days to look back over the incremental derived tables during the upsert. Where performance is not a concern, should be set to as long a value as possible. Having too short a period can result in duplicates. Please see the Snowplow Optimized Materialization section for more details.30

Contexts, filters, and logsโ€‹

Variable NameDescriptionDefault
app_idA list of app_ids to filter the events table on for processing within the package.[ ] (no filter applied)

Warehouse Specificโ€‹

Variable NameDescriptionDefault
databricks_catalogThe catalogue your atomic events table is in. Depending on the use case it should either be the catalog (for Unity Catalog users from databricks connector 1.1.1 onwards, defaulted to hive_metastore) or the same value as your snowplow__atomic_schema (unless changed it should be 'atomic').

Output Schemasโ€‹

By default all scratch/staging tables will be created in the <target.schema>_scratch schema, the derived tables, will be created in <target.schema>_derived and all manifest tables in <target.schema>_snowplow_manifest. Some of these schemas are only used by specific packages, ensure you add the correct configurations for each packages you are using. To change, please add the following to your dbt_project.yml file:


If you want to use just your connection schema with no suffixes, set the +schema: values to null

By default all scratch/staging tables will be created in the <target.schema>_scratch schema, the derived tables, will be created in <target.schema>_derived and all manifest tables in <target.schema>_snowplow_manifest. Some of these schemas are only used by specific packages, ensure you add the correct configurations for each packages you are using. To change, please add the following to your dbt_project.yml file:


If you want to use just your connection schema with no suffixes, set the +schema: values to null

+schema: my_manifest_schema
+schema: my_scratch_schema

Config Generatorโ€‹

You can use the below inputs to generate the code that you need to place into your dbt_project.yml file to configure the package as you require. Any values not specified will use their default values from the package.

Warehouse and tracker
Schema (dataset) that contains your atomic events
Database that contains your atomic events
Target name of your development environment as defined in your `profiles.yml` file
Operation and Logic
The maximum numbers of days of new data to be processed since the latest event processed
The maximum allowed number of days between the event creation and it being sent to the collector
The number of hours to look before the latest event processed - to account for late arriving data, which comes out of order
The date to start processing events from in the package on first run or a full refresh, based on `collector_tstamp`
Number of days to look back over the incremental derived tables during the upsert
Contexts, Filters, and Logs
App IDs

> Click the plus sign to add a new entry
Warehouse Specific
The catalogue your atomic events table is in

Project Variables:

snowplow_normalize: null
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