Snowplow Normalize Macros
This page is auto-generated from our dbt packages, some information may be incomplete
Snowplow Normalizeโ
Allow Refreshโ
This macro does not currently have a description.
- raw
- default
{% macro allow_refresh() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('allow_refresh', 'snowplow_normalize')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__allow_refresh() %}
{% set allow_refresh = snowplow_utils.get_value_by_target(
) %}
{{ return(allow_refresh) }}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Referenced By
Normalize Eventsโ
A macro to produce a table from base_events_this_run
with the input columns, for a single event type
(array): List of names of the events this table will be filtered toflat_cols
(array): List of standard columns from the table to includesde_cols
(string): Column names for the self-describing event to pull attributes fromsde_keys
(array): List of list of keys/column names within the self describing event column to includesde_types
(array): List of list of types of the values of the keys within the self describing event column (only used in Snowflake)sde_aliases
(array): List of prefixes to apply to the respective context column keys to be used as final column namescontext_cols
(array): List of context columns from the table to includecontext_keys
(array of arrays): List of lists of keys/column names within the respective context column to includecontext_types
(array of arrays): List of list of types of the values of the keys within the respective context column (only used in Snowflake)context_aliases
(array): List of prefixes to apply to the respective context column keys to be used as final column namesremove_new_event_check
(boolean): A flag to disable thewith_new_events
part of the macro, to allow for integration tests to run
- raw
- bigquery
- databricks
- snowflake
{% macro normalize_events(event_names, flat_cols = [], sde_cols = [], sde_keys = [], sde_types = [], sde_aliases = [], context_cols = [], context_keys = [], context_types = [], context_aliases = [], remove_new_event_check = false) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('normalize_events', 'snowplow_normalize')(event_names, flat_cols, sde_cols, sde_keys, sde_types, sde_aliases, context_cols, context_keys, context_types, context_aliases, remove_new_event_check)) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro bigquery__normalize_events(event_names, flat_cols = [], sde_cols = [], sde_keys = [], sde_types = [], sde_aliases = [], context_cols = [], context_keys = [], context_types = [], context_aliases = [], remove_new_event_check = false) %}
{# Remove down to major version for bigquery combine columns macro, drop 2 last _X values #}
{%- set sde_cols_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind in range(sde_cols|length) -%}
{% do sde_cols_clean.append('_'.join(sde_cols[ind].split('_')[:-2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- set context_cols_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind in range(context_cols|length) -%}
{% do context_cols_clean.append('_'.join(context_cols[ind].split('_')[:-2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{# Replace keys with snake_case where needed #}
{%- set sde_keys_clean = [] -%}
{%- set context_keys_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind1 in range(sde_keys|length) -%}
{%- set sde_key_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind2 in range(sde_keys[ind1]|length) -%}
{% do sde_key_clean.append(snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(sde_keys[ind1][ind2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% do sde_keys_clean.append(sde_key_clean) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for ind1 in range(context_keys|length) -%}
{%- set context_key_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind2 in range(context_keys[ind1]|length) -%}
{% do context_key_clean.append(snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(context_keys[ind1][ind2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% do context_keys_clean.append(context_key_clean) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
, collector_tstamp
-- Flat columns from event table
{% if flat_cols|length > 0 %}
{%- for col in flat_cols -%}
, {{ col }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
-- self describing events columns from event table
{% if sde_cols|length > 0 %}
{%- for col, col_ind in zip(sde_cols_clean, range(sde_cols|length)) -%} {# Loop over each sde column, get coalesced version of keys #}
{# Prep the alias columns #}
{%- if sde_aliases|length > 0 -%}
{%- set required_aliases = [] -%}
{%- for i in range(sde_keys_clean[col_ind]|length) -%}
{%- do required_aliases.append(sde_aliases[col_ind] ~ '_' ~ sde_keys_clean[col_ind][i]) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set required_aliases = sde_keys_clean[col_ind] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set sde_col_list = snowplow_utils.combine_column_versions(
required_fields = zip(sde_keys_clean[col_ind], required_aliases)
) -%}
{%- for field, key_ind in zip(sde_col_list, range(sde_col_list|length)) -%} {# Loop over each key within the column, appling the bespoke alias as needed #}
, {{field}}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
-- context column(s) from the event table
{% if context_cols|length > 0 %}
{%- for col, col_ind in zip(context_cols_clean, range(context_cols|length)) -%} {# Loop over each context column, get coalesced version of keys #}
{# Prep the alias columns #}
{%- if context_aliases|length > 0 -%}
{%- set required_aliases = [] -%}
{%- for i in range(context_keys_clean[col_ind]|length) -%}
{%- do required_aliases.append(context_aliases[col_ind] ~ '_' ~ context_keys_clean[col_ind][i]) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set required_aliases = context_keys_clean[col_ind] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set cont_col_list = snowplow_utils.combine_column_versions(
required_fields = zip(context_keys_clean[col_ind], required_aliases)
) -%}
{%- for field, key_ind in zip(cont_col_list, range(cont_col_list|length)) -%} {# Loop over each key within the column #}
, {{field}}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
{{ ref('snowplow_normalize_base_events_this_run') }}
event_name in ('{{ event_names|join("','") }}')
{% if not remove_new_event_check %}
and {{ snowplow_utils.is_run_with_new_events("snowplow_normalize") }}
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro databricks__normalize_events(event_names, flat_cols = [], sde_cols = [], sde_keys = [], sde_types = [], sde_aliases = [], context_cols = [], context_keys = [], context_types = [], context_aliases = [], remove_new_event_check = false) %}
{# Remove down to major version for Databricks columns, drop 2 last _X values #}
{%- set sde_cols_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind in range(sde_cols|length) -%}
{% do sde_cols_clean.append('_'.join(sde_cols[ind].split('_')[:-2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- set context_cols_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind in range(context_cols|length) -%}
{% do context_cols_clean.append('_'.join(context_cols[ind].split('_')[:-2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{# Replace keys with snake_case where needed #}
{%- set sde_keys_clean = [] -%}
{%- set context_keys_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind1 in range(sde_keys|length) -%}
{%- set sde_key_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind2 in range(sde_keys[ind1]|length) -%}
{% do sde_key_clean.append(snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(sde_keys[ind1][ind2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% do sde_keys_clean.append(sde_key_clean) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for ind1 in range(context_keys|length) -%}
{%- set context_key_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind2 in range(context_keys[ind1]|length) -%}
{% do context_key_clean.append(snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(context_keys[ind1][ind2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% do context_keys_clean.append(context_key_clean) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
, collector_tstamp
{% if target.type in ['databricks', 'spark'] -%}
, DATE(collector_tstamp) as collector_tstamp_date
{%- endif %}
-- Flat columns from event table
{% if flat_cols|length > 0 %}
{%- for col in flat_cols -%}
, {{ col }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
-- self describing events columns from event table
{% if sde_cols_clean|length > 0 %}
{%- for col, col_ind in zip(sde_cols_clean, range(sde_cols_clean|length)) -%} {# Loop over each sde column #}
{%- for key in sde_keys_clean[col_ind] -%} {# Loop over each key within the sde column #}
{% if sde_aliases|length > 0 -%}
, {{ col }}.{{ key }} as {{ sde_aliases[col_ind] }}_{{ key }}
{% else -%}
, {{ col }}.{{ key }} as {{ key }}
{% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
-- context column(s) from the event table
{% if context_cols_clean|length > 0 %}
{%- for col, col_ind in zip(context_cols_clean, range(context_cols_clean|length)) -%} {# Loop over each context column #}
{%- for key in context_keys_clean[col_ind] -%} {# Loop over each key within the context column #}
{% if context_aliases|length > 0 -%}
, {{ col }}[0].{{ key }} as {{ context_aliases[col_ind] }}_{{ key }}
{% else -%}
, {{ col }}[0].{{ key }} as {{ key }}
{% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
{{ ref('snowplow_normalize_base_events_this_run') }}
event_name in ('{{ event_names|join("','") }}')
{% if not remove_new_event_check %}
and {{ snowplow_utils.is_run_with_new_events("snowplow_normalize") }}
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro snowflake__normalize_events(event_names, flat_cols = [], sde_cols = [], sde_keys = [], sde_types = [], sde_aliases = [], context_cols = [], context_keys = [], context_types = [], context_aliases = [], remove_new_event_check = false) %}
{# Remove down to major version for Snowflake columns, drop 2 last _X values #}
{%- set sde_cols_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind in range(sde_cols|length) -%}
{% do sde_cols_clean.append('_'.join(sde_cols[ind].split('_')[:-2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- set context_cols_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind in range(context_cols|length) -%}
{% do context_cols_clean.append('_'.join(context_cols[ind].split('_')[:-2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
, collector_tstamp
-- Flat columns from event table
{% if flat_cols|length > 0 %}
{%- for col in flat_cols -%}
, {{ col }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
-- self describing events columns from event table
{% if sde_cols_clean|length > 0 %}
{%- for col, col_ind in zip(sde_cols_clean, range(sde_cols_clean|length)) -%} {# Loop over each sde column #}
{%- for key, type in zip(sde_keys[col_ind], sde_types[col_ind]) -%} {# Loop over each key within the sde column #}
{% if sde_aliases|length > 0 -%}
, {{ col }}:{{ key }}::{{ type }} as {{ sde_aliases[col_ind] }}_{{ snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(key) }} {# Alias should align across all warehouses in snakecase #}
{% else -%}
, {{ col }}:{{ key }}::{{ type }} as {{ snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(key) }}
{% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
-- context column(s) from the event table
{% if context_cols_clean|length > 0 %}
{%- for col, col_ind in zip(context_cols_clean, range(context_cols_clean|length)) -%} {# Loop over each context column #}
{%- for key, type in zip(context_keys[col_ind], context_types[col_ind]) -%} {# Loop over each key within the context column #}
{% if context_aliases|length > 0 -%}
, {{ col }}[0]:{{ key }}::{{ type }} as {{ context_aliases[col_ind] }}_{{ snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(key) }} {# Alias should align across all warehouses in snakecase #}
{% else -%}
, {{ col }}[0]:{{ key }}::{{ type }} as {{ snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(key) }}
{% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
{{ ref('snowplow_normalize_base_events_this_run') }}
event_name in ('{{ event_names|join("','") }}')
{% if not remove_new_event_check %}
and {{ snowplow_utils.is_run_with_new_events("snowplow_normalize") }}
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Snakeify Caseโ
Take a string in camel/pascal case and make it snakecase
(string): the text to convert to snakecase
- raw
- default
{% macro snakeify_case(text) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('snakeify_case', 'snowplow_normalize')(text)) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__snakeify_case(text) %}
{%- set re = -%}
{%- set camel_string1 = '([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])'-%} {# Capitals followed by a lowercase #}
{%- set camel_string2 = '([a-z\d])([A-Z])'-%} {# lowercase followed by a capital #}
{%- set replace_string = '\\1_\\2' -%}
{%- set output_text = re.sub(camel_string2, replace_string, re.sub(camel_string1, replace_string, text)).replace('-', '_').lower() -%}
{{- output_text -}}
{% endmacro %}
Referenced By
Users Tableโ
A macro to produce a users table from the base_events_this_run
table, using the latest context values as defined by the collector_tstamp.
(string): The name of the field to use as the unique user_iduser_id_sde
(string): The name of the SDE column that contains the user_id_fielduser_id_context
(string): The name of the context column that contains the user_id_field, not used if user_id_sde is also provideduser_cols
(array): List of (user related) context columns from the table to includeuser_keys
(array of arrays): List of lists of keys/column names within the respective user context column to includeuser_types
(array of arrays): List of list of types of the values of the keys within the respective user context column (only used in Snowflake)user_id_alias
(string): The alias to apply to the user_id_field to help avoid clashes. Must match the unique key in the configflat_cols
(array): List of (user related) flat columns from the table to includeremove_new_event_check
(boolean): A flag to disable thewith_new_events
part of the macro, to allow for integration tests to run
- raw
- bigquery
- databricks
- snowflake
{% macro users_table(user_id_field = 'user_id', user_id_sde = '', user_id_context = '', user_cols = [], user_keys = [], user_types = [], user_id_alias = 'user_id', flat_cols = [], remove_new_event_check = false) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('users_table', 'snowplow_normalize')(user_id_field, user_id_sde, user_id_context, user_cols, user_keys, user_types, user_id_alias, flat_cols, remove_new_event_check)) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro bigquery__users_table(user_id_field = 'user_id', user_id_sde = '', user_id_context = '', user_cols = [], user_keys = [], user_types = [], user_id_alias = 'user_id', flat_cols = [], remove_new_event_check = false) %}
{# Remove down to major version for bigquery combine columns macro, drop 2 last _X values #}
{%- set user_cols_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind in range(user_cols|length) -%}
{% do user_cols_clean.append('_'.join(user_cols[ind].split('_')[:-2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{# Replace keys with snake_case where needed #}
{%- set user_keys_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind1 in range(user_keys|length) -%}
{%- set user_key_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind2 in range(user_keys[ind1]|length) -%}
{% do user_key_clean.append(snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(user_keys[ind1][ind2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% do user_keys_clean.append(user_key_clean) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% set user_id_field = snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(user_id_field) %}
{# Raise a warining if both sde and context are provided as we only use one #}
{%- if user_id_sde != '' and user_id_context != '' -%}
{% do exceptions.warn("Snowplow: Both a user_id sde column and context column provided, only the sde column will be used.") %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set snake_user_id = snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(user_id_alias) -%}
with defined_user_id as (
{% if user_id_sde == '' and user_id_context == ''%}
{{snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(user_id_field)}} as {{ snake_user_id }}
{% elif user_id_sde != '' %}
{# Coalesce the sde column for the custom user_id field #}
{%- set user_id_sde_coal = snowplow_utils.combine_column_versions(
column_prefix= user_id_sde.lower(),
include_field_alias = False,
required_fields = [ user_id_field ]
) -%}
{{ user_id_sde_coal[0] }} as {{ snake_user_id }}
{% elif user_id_context != '' %}
{# Coalesce the context column for the custom user_id field #}
{%- set user_id_cont_coal = snowplow_utils.combine_column_versions(
column_prefix= user_id_context.lower(),
include_field_alias = False,
required_fields = [ user_id_field ]
) -%}
{{ user_id_cont_coal[0] }} as {{ snake_user_id }}
{%- endif %}
, collector_tstamp as latest_collector_tstamp
-- Flat columns from event table
{% if flat_cols|length > 0 %}
{%- for col in flat_cols -%}
, {{ col }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
-- user column(s) from the event table
{% if user_cols|length > 0 %}
{%- for col, col_ind in zip(user_cols_clean, range(user_cols|length)) -%} {# Loop over each context column, getting the coalesced version#}
{%- set user_cols_list = snowplow_utils.combine_column_versions(
include_field_alias = True,
required_fields = user_keys_clean[col_ind]
) -%}
{% for field in user_cols_list %} {# Loop over each field in the column, alias provided by macro #}
, {{field}}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
{{ ref('snowplow_normalize_base_events_this_run') }}
1 = 1
{% if not remove_new_event_check %}
and {{ snowplow_utils.is_run_with_new_events("snowplow_normalize") }}
{%- endif -%}
{# Order data to get the latest data having rn = 1 #}
users_ordering as (
, row_number() over (partition by {{ snake_user_id }} order by latest_collector_tstamp desc) as rn
defined_user_id a
{{ snake_user_id }} is not null
{# Ensure only latest record is upserted into the table #}
* except (rn)
rn = 1
{% endmacro %}
{% macro databricks__users_table(user_id_field = 'user_id', user_id_sde = '', user_id_context = '', user_cols = [], user_keys = [], user_types = [], user_id_alias = 'user_id', flat_cols = [], remove_new_event_check = false) %}
{# Remove down to major version for Databricks columns, drop 2 last _X values #}
{%- set user_cols_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind in range(user_cols|length) -%}
{% do user_cols_clean.append('_'.join(user_cols[ind].split('_')[:-2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{# Replace keys with snake_case where needed #}
{%- set user_keys_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind1 in range(user_keys|length) -%}
{%- set user_key_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind2 in range(user_keys[ind1]|length) -%}
{% do user_key_clean.append(snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(user_keys[ind1][ind2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% do user_keys_clean.append(user_key_clean) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% set user_id_field = snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(user_id_field) %}
{# Raise a warining if both sde and context are provided as we only use one #}
{%- if user_id_sde != '' and user_id_context != '' -%}
{% do exceptions.warn("Snowplow: Both a user_id sde column and context column provided, only the sde column will be used.") %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set snake_user_id = snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(user_id_alias) -%}
with defined_user_id as (
{% if user_id_sde == '' and user_id_context == ''%}
{{ user_id_field }} as {{ snake_user_id }}
{% elif user_id_sde != '' %}
{{ '_'.join(user_id_sde.split('_')[:-2]) }}.{{ user_id_field }} as {{ snake_user_id }}
{% elif user_id_context != '' %}
{{ '_'.join(user_id_context.split('_')[:-2]) }}[0].{{ user_id_field }} as {{ snake_user_id }}
{%- endif %}
, collector_tstamp as latest_collector_tstamp
{% if target.type in ['databricks', 'spark'] -%}
, DATE(collector_tstamp) as latest_collector_tstamp_date
{%- endif %}
-- Flat columns from event table
{% if flat_cols|length > 0 %}
{%- for col in flat_cols -%}
, {{ col }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
-- user column(s) from the event table
{% if user_cols_clean|length > 0 %}
{%- for col, col_ind in zip(user_cols_clean, range(user_cols_clean|length)) -%} {# Loop over each context column provided #}
{%- for key in user_keys_clean[col_ind] -%} {# Loop over the keys in each column #}
, {{ col }}[0].{{ key }} as {{ key }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
{{ ref('snowplow_normalize_base_events_this_run') }}
1 = 1
{% if not remove_new_event_check %}
and {{ snowplow_utils.is_run_with_new_events("snowplow_normalize") }}
{%- endif -%}
{# Order data to get the latest data having rn = 1 #}
users_ordering as (
, row_number() over (partition by {{ snake_user_id }} order by latest_collector_tstamp desc) as rn
defined_user_id a
{{ snake_user_id }} is not null
{# Ensure only latest record is upserted into the table #}
* except (rn)
rn = 1
{% endmacro %}
{% macro snowflake__users_table(user_id_field = 'user_id', user_id_sde = '', user_id_context = '', user_cols = [], user_keys = [], user_types = [], user_id_alias = 'user_id', flat_cols = [], remove_new_event_check = false) %}
{# Remove down to major version for Snowflake columns, drop 2 last _X values #}
{%- set user_cols_clean = [] -%}
{%- for ind in range(user_cols|length) -%}
{% do user_cols_clean.append('_'.join(user_cols[ind].split('_')[:-2])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{# Raise a warining if both sde and context are provided as we only use one #}
{%- if user_id_sde != '' and user_id_context != '' -%}
{% do exceptions.warn("Snowplow: Both a user_id sde column and context column provided, only the sde column will be used.") %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set snake_user_id = snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(user_id_alias) -%}
with defined_user_id as (
{% if user_id_sde == '' and user_id_context == '' %}
{{snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(user_id_field)}} as {{ snake_user_id }} {# Snakeify case of standard column even in snowflake #}
{% elif user_id_sde != '' %}
{{ '_'.join(user_id_sde.split('_')[:-2]) }}:{{user_id_field}}::string as {{ snake_user_id }}
{% elif user_id_context != '' %}
{{ '_'.join(user_id_context.split('_')[:-2]) }}[0]:{{user_id_field}}::string as {{ snake_user_id }}
{%- endif %}
, collector_tstamp as latest_collector_tstamp
-- Flat columns from event table
{% if flat_cols|length > 0 %}
{%- for col in flat_cols -%}
, {{ col }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
-- user column(s) from the event table
{% if user_cols_clean|length > 0 %}
{%- for col, col_ind in zip(user_cols_clean, range(user_cols_clean|length)) -%} {# Loop over each context column provided #}
{%- for key, type in zip(user_keys[col_ind], user_types[col_ind]) -%} {# Loop over the keys in each column #}
, {{ col }}[0]:{{ key }}::{{ type }} as {{ snowplow_normalize.snakeify_case(key) }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
{{ ref('snowplow_normalize_base_events_this_run') }}
1 = 1
{% if not remove_new_event_check %}
and {{ snowplow_utils.is_run_with_new_events("snowplow_normalize") }}
{%- endif -%}
{# Ensure only latest record is upserted into the table #}
{{ snake_user_id }} is not null
row_number() over (partition by {{ snake_user_id }} order by latest_collector_tstamp desc) = 1
{% endmacro %}